Update on Pinnora Mews

I know that some of our residents have been asking questions about the delays to Pinnora Mews Development, formally known as Waxwell Lane Car Park.

The leader of the Council Paul Osborn, has provided us with the following update as incorrect information was starting to circulate.

“I have investigated this internally and the comments being made with regards defective drainage are not factual and are based on local rumours.    There has been no identified issue with the drainage on the site, in fact during the project the original specification was changed and the Council put in additional funds into the project to provide an adaptable drainage system for the development and the church behind the development.  The Thames Water adoption hasn’t taken place as yet as we are finalising the legal documents between the church and the Council.   The drainage has been designed to an adoptable standard and is sufficient capacity for the site and the church therefore, once the paperwork is agreed between the 2 parties we do not anticipate any issues with Thames Water sign off.

The delay is due to following the practical completion on the site at the end of November, a defect was identified on the balcony areas of the new houses. The Council took legal advice on the sales programme and was advised to ‘pause’ the sales programme until the main contractor Claritas had identified the cause of the leak, advised their intended remediation plan and that this plan was then independently varied and approved by F & G (the Council’s agent) for the project.

Following an urgent meeting on site before Christmas the main contractor was instructed by the Councils project team to carry out investigation and dye tests on one of the of worst effected properties.  This happened in the first 2 weeks of January.    The Council met with the Managing Director of Claritas on Friday last week and we are expecting their remediation plan next week.”