Concert In the Park 28 July

It’s that time of year, the wait is over.Harrow Steel!

Our first Concert in the Park takes place.  This is the 22nd season that The Pinner Association have put on this community event.

We are delighted to have Harrow Steel returning to play in the Pinner Memorial Park on 28  July at 2:30pm.  Hopefully the music will make you think of warmer climates!

Bring a chair and picnic.

There will be a bucket collection to help off set the cost of the concerts.

See you there

QR Code Safety

This has come from the MP of Harrow East.

Experts have revealed a rise in scams of QR code since self-ordering in restaurant became the norm during the pandemic.
People may think they are ordering a round of drinks/food but could actually be giving away their debit card information to fraudsters.
According to NordVPN around 77% of Brits use QR codes – but 72% do not check before scanning them. The security giant reported that over 3 million people have been directed to untrustworthy websites after using the QR code.
Worryingly, 1 in 6 (16%) fell prey to fraudsters and had their data stolen.
Here are a few tips to help you stay safe from scams:

  1. When you do scan a QR code, take a good look at the website it led you to being particularly vigilant for any suspicious information.
  2. Use a secure scanner app which is designed to spot malicious links before your phone opens them. It is recommended to stick to the well-known security companies. Malicious QR scanning apps designed to scrape user information have made it into the app stores in the past.
  3. Use a password manager. As with all kinds of phishing, if a QR code takes you to an especially convincing fake website, use a password manager, however this is also not a fault proof system.


Community Based Volunteers

OWLDear Watch Member,

Are you interested in making London a safer place? Do you want to do more for your community?

The Metropolitan Police Service are looking for people from local communities to work with their officers and staff across London.

You will be part of an excellent team, working on local community or wider London initiatives. Your local knowledge and experience is vital to help prevent crime and improve safety.

There are a wide range of activities you can take part in, at a time and location chosen by you; this can be daily, weekly, monthly or a few times a year. There is no minimum number of hours required and is flexible around your own personal circumstances.

This is a rewarding role where you can make a difference to our great city, whilst learning new skills and meeting new people.

To be eligible to apply:
• You must not be a serving police officer or existing member of police staff
• You must be over 18 (if under 18 please consider Cadets)

Community Based Volunteers (CBVs)

Being a CBV will give you a unique insight into the Metropolitan Police, there are daily opportunities across London, you will be part of a team and have the opportunity to assist with activities such as weapon sweeps, crime prevention events, night time economy patrols, bike marking, reassurance patrols, Community Road Watch initiatives, specialist teams and police training.

We will provide a wide range of training opportunities including crime prevention training, personal safety and London life savers.

Reasonable expenses are paid for travel in London, to and from deployments.

To get more information about being a CBV, click on the below link to register for the next 30-minute online insight session to be held this Saturday 27th July 2024 at 2pm.

Register for an online session

For more information on other voluntary roles available, please click on the below link:
Overview | Community based volunteers | Metropolitan Police

If you need to reply regarding this message, tap on this email address: [email protected]

Lee O’Brien
Pinner Safer Neighbourhood Team
[email protected]
Tel: 020 8721 2775

London Travel Demand Survey for TfL

Dear Watch Member,

Transport for London (TfL) have informed us they will be carrying out a survey in and around the London area.

The attached documents provide more information regarding this survey, and an example of the interviewer’s ID card that you should request to see if it’s not initially proffered to you.

Download Associated Documents
Documents accompanying this message are linked below. Click to download and open a file which use the popular PDF format. If you experience problems downloading or viewing a file please visit this help page.

If you need to reply regarding this message, tap on this email address: [email protected]

Lee O’Brien
Pinner Safer Neighbourhood Team

Pinner Memorial Park keeps it’s Green Flag Award.

Pinner memorial Park - Green FlagCongratulations to the “Green Team” at Harrow Council and the Peace Garden Volunteers.  Pinner Memorial Park is one of six green flag parks in Harrow to retain it’s flag.

The other parks who keep their Green Flag status are:-

          • Headstone Manor Recreation Ground,
          • Pinner Memorial Park,
          • Harrow Recreation Ground,
          • Roxeth Recreation Ground,
          • Kenton Recreation Ground
          • Canons Park



UPDATE – Objection to installation of “temporary vehicle access” for the development of a part of the Tesco car park.

The application for approval of the “Construction Logistics Plan” for the development of flats on a part of the Tesco Pinner Green car park (reference PL/1276/24) has been refused by the Local Planning Authority (London Borough of Harrow) for the following reason:

“The temporary access on Cuckoo Hill has not been agreed with the Highways Department and no visibility splays have been submitted showing safe entry and exit to and from the site. Therefore the submitted details have failed to demonstrate safe access to and from the site for construction traffic contrary to Policies DM1 and DM43 of the Harrow Development Management Policies Local Plan 2013 and Policies D14 and T7 of the London Plan (2021).”