Harrow Foodbank – Vacancies for Trustee Board Members

https://harrow.foodbank.org.uk I have just returned from visitingHarrow Foodbank and speaking to Chonde, the project manager.  She told me that they are looking for two new trustee board members.  If you are interested, continue reading.

Harrow Food Bank is part of the Trussell Trust  – a network of over 1300 food bank centres in the UK. Between April 2022 and March 2023, food banks provided almost 3 million food supplies to people in crisis. More information can be found at www.trusseltrust.org

Harrow Food Bank

Vacancies for Trustee Board Members

Harrow Food Bank requires two Trustees to support the Chair and current members who can support the existing Trustees:


Administrator  / Secretary: to lead on all the administrative duties of the food bank and Trustee Board, ensure all meetings are conducted within the legal requirements and a record of all meetings maintained.

Key roles & responsibilities:

  1. Arrange and communicate dates for all Trustee Meetings, circulating papers in advance
  2. Follow up on the agreed actions from meetings and keep an accurate ‘action log’
  3. Ensure all stakeholders are informed of the AGM and that the AGM report is submitted to all relevant bodies


Treasurer: to lead on the financial affairs of the foodbank and to ensure that they are conducted within the required legal accounting and good practice conventions.

Key roles & responsibilities:

  1. Ensure that the Food Bank has proper systems for budgeting, financial controls, insurance and reporting
  2. Produce and present regular finance reports for the Trustees Board Meetings
  3. Maintain accurate financial records as report in a timely manner to all relevant bodies

If you are interested in the above roles please email Mr Brendan Timlin, Current Chair [email protected] or Mr Rob Ogundere, future Chair [email protected]