SCAM – Don’t ring 020 3287 4777 or 0203 239 6767.

We have received an email from one of our local PSCO’s.


Dear Resident,

This morning we have received numerous reports from elderly residents who have received a pre-recorded voice message on their landline from telephone number 020 3287 4777.

The message states that an arrest warrant has been issued and the recipient would be prosecuted unless they called the number back.

I have called this number and the person claims they are from the HMRC. They will ask you to provide the phone number you received the message on, your name and then your National Insurance (NI) number.


Please do NOT call the phone number back. No government agency would ever use a pre-recorded message for official matters like this.

Please pass this message to anyone you know, especially elderly relatives, neighbours and friends.

Kind regards,

Lee O’Brien PCSO 7562QA

Band Concerts – the final word!

Did you know that 35 people helped with this years concerts. Thank you to all the helpers. The youngest helper was 11 years old and the oldest – well I better not spill the beans.  These concerts couldn’t happen with out their help and commitment.

The interval bucket collection raised £1436 for the Heath Robinson Museum Trust – Thank you . They have asked us to thank every one who contributed.


Tombola Appeal – Harrow In LEAF

I have received an email from Harrow in LEAF. This is for the annual show at Headstone Village Show on Monday 27 August.



Tombola Appeal  
Do you or your friends and family have any unwanted new or “in good condition” used items that could be donated for our popular Tombola Stall? 

We do need a few more items to top up the Harrow in LEAF table this year, or even donate some plants for us to sell on.

If so, please contact Diana on 020 8863 7558 to discuss delivery or collection.