Moss Lane and North Way telecom mast “Prior Approval” planning applications refused.

The Pinner Association, and a great many local residents, wrote objection letters regarding two “Prior Approval” planning applications for the installation of new telecom masts and associated equipment cabinets on sites in North Way Pinner and Moss Lane Pinner.

We can now report that both these applications have been refused by Harrow Council’s Planning Officers, on the grounds of “The proposed telecommunications mast by reason of its siting and excessive height and prominent location would be visually obtrusive in the streetscene, to the detriment of the character and appearance of the area,” and “The proposed telecoms cabinets, by reason of quantity, height and siting would result in visual clutter and be visually obtrusive in the streetscene, to the detriment of the character and appearance of the area,

The Pinner Association has sent an objection letter to the current “Prior Approval” planning application for the installation of new telecom mast and associated equipment cabinets on a site in Albury Drive on a designated open space within the Pinnerwood Park Conservation Area.