Happy Chanukah to all of you celebrating.
Harrow Cycle Hub

Way back in May, Harrow Cycle Hub approached us for a donation towards a new towards a specially adapted Fun2Go bike. We pledged £1000 towards the cost of the bike. After much fund-raising Harrow Cycle Hub reached their target and recently took delivery of the new side by side tandem that has been specially adapted.
Harrow Cycle Hub are a charity that run ‘Wheels for All’ sessions for people who would normally not be able to cycle or find two wheels hard. They run these sessions on Tuesday and Saturday mornings.
Yesterday our past Chair Julie went down to see it in action, naturally she couldn’t resist having a go. Julie took the opportunity to speak to some of the parents whose youngster attend these sessions. As well as getting them out exercising, being able to cycle on their own, has increased the confidence of the riders. For some of the youngsters, it’s something that they look forward to on a weekly basis.
Harrow Cycle Hub also runs ‘Learn to Ride’ and ‘Confidence Builder’ courses on two-wheelers, cycle maintenance courses, led rides and more. Sign up to their newsletter to keep in touch:
If you are interested to know more. Visit their website, Facebook, X or Instagram pages.
Harrow Council – Changes to bin collections
Pinner Business Club Relaunch
Pinner Business Club have a new Chair Sharon Pink and Deputy Chair Salam Assaad. They are relaunching the business club.
Pinner Local History Society, Programme of Talks
The Pinner Local History Society have been busy planning next years talks.
- 6 February: The Metropolitan Railway during the First World War, Richard Dennis
- 6 March: Local Road Transport Through the Ages, Research Group Presentation
- 10 April: Horatia in Pinner, Lily Styles (Lily is a descendant of Lord Nelson’s daughter, Horatia Nelson-Ward, who lived in Pinner in later life.)
- 1 May: The Oily History of Margarine, Michael Clarke + AGM
- 5 June: A Grand Pinner Household in the 1760s, Thamar MacIver
Christmas Tree Lights Switch On.

Christmas Lights Switch on
Pinner’s Act of Remembrance
Thank you to everyone who attended today’s service. This is part of what make Pinner special.
The organisers couldn’t do this without the help of the volunteers, so thank you to everyone that helped.
Thank you to our sponsors who help make it happen.
- Bride Avenue
- Cafe Amici
- Daisy & Co
- Queens Head
- Robsons Pinner

Pinner, An Act of Remembrance
All are welcomed to join us.